The "Original" Culinary Kid


Information for Parents
During the week of cooking camp students from the ages of 6 years old will learn culinary preparation and service of dishes for the family. It will be assumed by your election for them to take this cooking course that you are aware students will use knives, stoves, fryers, gas grills, small appliances and convection oven and by enrolling them in this course you authorize them to participate under these conditions. There will be a minimum of two adults supervising the class. Due to the range of ages and maturity, parents need to review their children’s ability to safely prepare these dishes in their own home and you shall give supervision as needed to them as they follow the instructions and lessons taught in class.
There are no makeup days for absences or for days missed and parents are financially responsible for all days that their child has registered to attend. There will be no pro rating of tuition for missed days due to sickness or travel, or any other reason.
Medical Information
Your child’s health is important to us. Please advise us in advance of any special medical needs or food allergies your child may have.
Behavior Management & Discipline
We plan to manage the students behavior by keeping a full schedule. We reserve the right to refuse, suspend, or expel. Acceptable behavior will be outlined clearly on the first day of class. In the event that discipline is required, the student will be removed from others, their parent and/or contact person will be called and will be required to come and pick them up. The fun and safety of others will not be jeopardized by bad behavior. No refund will be given.
If a child becomes ill or if illness is detected, we will call parents to have child picked up. Keep your child home if your child is vomiting, has a rash, has diarrhea, eye infection, sore throat, fever or not feeling good. Since we are preparing food, we would not want your child to be around food preparation areas if they are sick.
Medical Emergencies
Emergencies of life-threatening nature will be handled by calling 911 and notifying parents. Standard CPR practices will be used as needed. Minor emergencies will be attended to by the instructor and will notify a family member immediately. All medical emergencies will be recorded in the students file, including illnesses and medications taken.
Students can reserve a place in class either by pre – registering in person or by phone. We suggest you reserve a seat as early as possible as class size is limited to 25 students. If a class is full, you may request that your name be placed on a waiting list. Registration fee must be paid at the time of registration. Your weekly fee for camp will be due every Monday. We accept check or cash. If in the rare instance that a class does not have enough participants, The Culinary Kid will usually reschedule that class and either refund a registered person’s money for that class or apply it to a future class.
Classes may be cancelled or rescheduled due to bad weather. If a class is cancelled we will do our best to notify you at the phone number you provided at the time of registration. We will also attempt to update our phone message and web site in such cases. If bad weather is upon us or predicted, we suggest you call before coming to class.
Although tuition is non-refundable, you can transfer to another class up to 48 hours before your scheduled class. Please call us to make such arrangements. If you are unable to attend a class that you have registered for you may also send someone else in your place. Please call us with your replacement.
We will be closed Fourth of July. Sessions will not be available.
Additional Sessions
If space is available, no problem. Simply call our office or call my cellphone to enroll.
Drop Off / Pickup
Parents must make arrangements to drop off their children no earlier than 15 minutes before the session. Parents must pick up their children within 15 minutes of the end of the program. Parents who do not pick up their child by the designated end time limit will automatically be charged a late pick up fee of $6 for each additional 30 minutes that the child is left after the class termination hour. Please make prior arrangements if your child needs to be dropped off at 8am instead of 9am. Arrangements must also be made for pickup after 3pm and not to exceed past 5:30pm.
Dress Code
Chef jackets must be worned on Fridays only. Play clothes can be worn Monday – Thursday. Please have your child wear closed in shoes (no flip flops or sandals). Girls with long hair, please put hair in pony tail. No Jewelry is to be worn at any time.
Before handling food, everyone will wash with an anti-bacterial soap and dry their hands with paper towels. When washing their hands, they must wash for at least 20 seconds before rinsing.
Code of Conduct
These rules are established for the safety and enjoyment of camp for the participants.
Campers must behave appropriately
Campers need to show respect to the counselors and other participants
Camper must stay with the assigned group at all times
No fighting with other campers or staff
Campers are not to bring money or valuables to camp or field trips
No cell phones, Ipods, Game Boys, etc.
No weapons are allowed; including, but not limited to, pocket knives
No glass bottles or containers are permitted
Participants should not attend camp if they are sick.
Recurring or severe behavior problems may lead to suspension or dismissal from camp. The safety of and enjoyment of all campers is our main concern

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